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The Advantages of Alfred University

Jan 20, 2022

Alfred University is the second oldest co educational college in the United States and one of the earliest nineteenth century colleges to have enrolled African American and Native American students. Alfred University was founded in 1836 by liberal, independent thinkers who placed high value on education for all citizens. Over the course of the twentieth century, Alfred University evolved into a complex institution offering a full range of programs in the liberal arts and sciences, art and design, engineering, business, education, counseling, and school psychology.

Today, the University has retained and built upon the strong values of its founders, developing as an institution of national and international renown that is responsive to the needs of contemporary society while remaining consistent with the spirit of its origins. At Alfred University, students won’t spend all their time behind a desk. The curriculum is designed around experiential learning, which means that students have as much hands-on learning as possible. Depending on each major, students will find opportunities to be in the field, the studio, the lab, the classroom, or engaging in simulated scenarios that give a competitive edge when entering the workforce or head to grad school. 

At Alfred University the diversity is a great value. The students bring rich experiences that span continents, countries, and states. The University values diversity because it not only helps to better understand the world, but also it helps to understand personality and how one fits in the global society. Getting involved in the many multicultural and international programs on campus will help students to see how easy it is to make friends from across the world. The University also offers more than 80 student-led clubs and organizations and gives a wide range of opportunities to each student to become a leader and start their own club. 

Alfred University offers its international students several distinct living styles and communities. All residence halls are co-ed, either by floor or by room/suite/apartment (same gender in room). Bathrooms are designated male or female and in some cases are gender neutral.

Alfred University also offers a variety of available scholarships to help make the university affordable for each applicant. 

For students enrolling for Fall 2022:

Every accepted student will receive at least 50% off tuition in scholarships and awards. Students will receive notification with their offer of admission. Due to their unique tuition structure, scholarship and award amounts vary depending on the program.