Worldwide Education System


Jul 11, 2022

Earlscliffe is a small, residential college where each student will find support and encouragement from college as they at first settle in and then proceed to make their own mark on the college. As students’ progress through A-level studies and, with the guidance, make university applications in their final year and then push on to attain their academic aims and objectives, they will forge lasting friendships and lead gloriously busy lives as self- motivated young men and women.

Earlscliffe offers a personalized education like no other college of its kind. It is a unique experience, drawing on the traditions and methods of Oxbridge colleges, top public schools, Ivy League universities and innovative best practice.  

Earlscliffe students have Wednesday afternoons, weekends, and weekday evenings available for sports and activities. Students play football, basketball, volleyball, squash, badminton, and table tennis with one another each week. In the summer months, the college also offers tennis and golf. The football team plays in a competitive league. There is also a gym and large indoor pool nearby, to which all the students have free access. All sports facilities are within walking distance, except for golf, which is a short drive away. Also, Earlscliffe students volunteer for up to two hours per week in local homes for the elderly, hospitals, schools, and charity shops. 

The college provides five boarding houses, two for girls and three for boys, all within easy walking distance of the main college. The majority of the rooms are spacious twins with private WC and bathroom; each student has his or her own wardrobe and desk space, and all rooms are Wi-fi connected. The high standard of accommodation is attractive to today’s student, and all the more so given Earlscliffe’s beautiful Victorian façades. The classrooms and laboratory were also renovated and newly equipped so that they provide a fresh, bright, yet intimate environment in which students and staff go about their daily business. 

At College meals are taken in the college dining room and prepared by our own chef and team. Menus are varied and often international Any special dietary needs can be catered for, and College also has a College Formal Dinner with an after-dinner speaker two or three times per term. Students may choose to take lunch in either the School House Common Room, or the main house Dining Room, where breakfast and evening dinner is served.