Worldwide Education System

Education can empower the future of Europe

May 25, 2021

According to European Parliament, education unites people and increases our resilience, but global lockdown has shown us that we were not fully prepared to deal with challenges like the need to switch both digital and online education. Therefore, numerous innovative tools for digital transition in education has been invented to ease education both for learners and educators. Alongside, digital education is not for replacing teachers, that is a system that helps to improve the quality and creativeness of education and learning, and exactly for this reason the educators should be trained first and develop their digital knowledge.

Nowadays, The Digital Traineeships and many organizations with the help of European Commission along with European Parliament are trying to cultivate new methods for developing digital education for making it much accessible and innovative for different and next generations.

It is in our hands how we want to see Europe, and for making its plan be successful, we need to invest more in qualified education and training. Only with the help of this we will manage to have powerful and United Europe.