Worldwide Education System

Study Abroad Packing List
Worldwide Education System

Study Abroad Packing List

After you’ve been accepted to a study abroad program you might feel a bit panicked trying to think of all the things that you should be packing. Properly packing for a study abroad program can often feel like you need to compartmentalize your life into a suitcase with everything you’ll need to survive. Here are some top considerations that you’ll need to make before you start packing.
Make The Most Of Study Abroad
Worldwide Education System

Make The Most Of Study Abroad

There are many students today that are making the most out of their opportunities to learn and experience new cultures. One of the best new ways that students are working to learn in immersive ways is by studying abroad in exchange programs. Taking a timeout and a semester overseas can have an overwhelming impact on your education. Here are some tips on how you can get the most out of the experience as you study abroad.
Tips to Making Friends When Studying Abroad
Worldwide Education System

Tips to Making Friends When Studying Abroad

If you’re excited about spending some time abroad in a school program it’s very likely that you’re also excited about the prospect of making some new friends during the process. A program abroad is not the same for everybody and there’s always a chance that going overseas isn’t going to change your perspective if you don’t put yourself out there.
How Much Does It Cost To Study Abroad?
Worldwide Education System

How Much Does It Cost To Study Abroad?

Most people that have had the experience to study abroad consider it to be one of the best times of their lives. Some of the areas that people commonly say that they made mistakes are problems within their degree requirements, scheduling conflicts, and costs. Many people's first thoughts are “How much does it cost to study abroad?” Doing some research into the cost of studying abroad and preparing accordingly can make sure that you’re always ready with the right amount of money to feel safe and secure.
Edu System In The USA and Canada
Worldwide Education System

Edu System In The USA and Canada

Prior to higher education, American students attend primary (elementary) and secondary school for a combined total of 12 years. Around age six, U.S. children begin primary school. They attend five or six years and then go onto secondary school.The main purpose of elementary school is the general intellectual and social development of the child from 6 to 12 or 15 years of age.