Worldwide Education System

Worldwide Education System


Earlscliffe is a small, residential college where each student will find support and encouragement from college as they at first settle in and then proceed to make their own mark on the college. As students’ progress through A-level studies and, with the guidance, make university applications in their final year and then push on to attain their academic aims and objectives, they will forge lasting friendships and lead gloriously busy lives as self- motivated young men and women.
University of Applied Sciences Europe
Worldwide Education System

University of Applied Sciences Europe

The University of Europe for Applied Sciences (UE) - in Iserlohn, Berlin, Hamburg and on the UE Innovation Hub - educates the designers and decision-makers of tomorrow in the fields of Business, Sports, Media and Event and Art & Design. The university promotes the future-oriented development of skills and interdisciplinary teaching formats in step with actual practice and according to the highest international standards.
Arroyo Pacific Academy
Worldwide Education System

Arroyo Pacific Academy

Arroyo Pacific Academy as a private, independent, coeducational college preparatory middle school and high school welcomes students from other countries to learn and to grow. The Academy is a coeducational institution, open to local and international students. The teaching and learning communities are committed to support the students as they strive for excellence in a college preparatory curriculum that incorporates character formation and the academic competencies and skills necessary for lifelong learning.
Saint Paul Lutheran High School
Worldwide Education System

Saint Paul Lutheran High School

Saint Paul Lutheran High School is a residential high school committed to “preparing leaders to declare Christ.” Saint Paul Lutheran High School began educating students in 1883, preparing them for their future. Currently Saint Paul offers over 80 classes in a variety of subject areas including Religion, Science, Social Studies, Mathematics, Practical Arts, Fine Arts, English, Communication, Foreign Languages, Physical Education, and more.
Royal Roads University
Worldwide Education System

Royal Roads University

Royal Roads University is an accredited, publicly funded, applied research university that has focused on lifelong education since 1995. No matter the stage of education, career and life, Royal Roads warmly welcomes its students to explore the history, present and future of the university. Students come to the university at any age, at any stage in their careers and from any place around the globe.